Learning Garden

students and teachers in front of a mosaic of the sun

Mrs. Caroline Dart helped us make this sun mosaic that we can see when we work outside near the bus loop and learning garden. We wanted something easy to recognize, bright, and something that makes people happy when they look at it.

trellis and bench in front of garden behind the school
Buckland Mills is very proud of our learning garden located outside the library. We want to thank our PTO families and community members who worked enthusiastically to build it. Our students and staff have appreciated the experiences we have gained by observing the plant life, soil, and wildlife.

Working Together
Our students are committed to keeping our garden maintained.

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The Monarch Butterflies have found the milkweed we planted! Can you describe the life cycle of a butterfly?

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What changes can you observe in the garden as the seasons change?


How do you think animals and plants in the garden adapt to the winter?

ladybug on a leaf
Birds are living in our hand-painted bird houses!

Working Together
We started our Learning Garden in April 2013. Community members, including staff, students, and parents, enthusiastically came to plant trees and shrubs that would provide homes for butterflies and other living creatures. We enjoyed working cooperatively to achieve our goal.