School Procedures

School Hours: 9:10a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The school doors open at 9:05 a.m. Please do not drop your child off earlier than 9:05 as there will be no one to watch them. Thank you.

Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Parent Portal account printed email messages can be brought into school (with your photo ID) any time during office hours, to have your account activated.

A parent/guardian is always welcome to visit the school during school hours; however, it is a courtesy to inform the student's teacher prior to coming. All visitors to the school MUST check in with the office staff and receive a visitor's badge per Reg. 926-1. Visitors without a badge will be asked to return to the office to obtain one. We truly appreciate our volunteers.

Tardy Policy
Being on time is an important skill to teach our children; therefore, we encourage you to have your students to school on time each day. If for some reason your child arrives after 9:15, he/she is considered tardy. You must walk your child into the front office for a tardy pass. Please, for the students' safety, do not drop your child off at the front door. Students who ride the bus will not be marked tardy, if the bus is running late.

Early Dismissal
If you need to pick your child up early from school, please send a note to the teacher informing them of the time of the dismissal. This will allow the teacher to ensure they have the necessary materials ready for your child when you arrive. Students will not be dismissed from class after 3:30 p.m. in order to avoid end of day interruptions as students prepare to leave. Teachers spend the last few minutes of the day ensuring your children have the materials they need for the evening's homework. Disruptions at this time can often cause confusion and items to be forgotten. Please remember that a valid government issued ID must be presented when picking up a student. Additionally, the individual picking the student up MUST be listed on the Emergency Card or a note from the child's legal guardian must be on file, allowing the individual to pick-up the student.

Absence Policy
Regular classroom attendance is important to your child's learning and progress throughout the year. Therefore, we ask that you make every effort possible to avoid vacations during the school year. If you must be absent for more than 5 consecutive days, please complete the Extended Absence Form (Procedures for Requesting a Non-Medical Absence (PDF)) and submit it to the office for approval.

If your child is sick or absent for any other reason, please call the office and leave a message with the office staff or on the answering machine. Should you fail to contact the school you will receive an automated phone call informing you that your child had an unexcused absence from school. Please send a note in to the office upon your child's return and we will be happy to excuse your child's absence.